Hi, I am Gianna

a 44 Year old creator from United States

Would you like to see more of my private life? Then support me now. In return, I'll show you intimate insights into my dirty lifestyle. Let's talk about it.

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About me

44 year old Italian woman in the. Ear shape of my life. Dont be shy! I’m very friendly and would love to hear what you think of my content so far . I’m willing to customize your experience as much as possible and I’m negotiable on most things. If you’d rather be surprised with content or are unsure of exactly what you would like to see , please subscribe to my partially nude , or completely nude pages. I can be as available or distant as you’d like. I’m here for you ❤️

Birthday 05/07/1980
I live in United States
Gender Female
Relationship Status Single

What I look like